We were deeply moved by seeing ourselves between the words of Poesía Hexágono, Apiario‘s new book. Antía Otero mentions us in her essay “Adrift in videopoetry, an approach for the clasroom”. Thanks a lot!
Poesía Hexágono. Ollada e experiencia. Proposta e resposta nas aulas is a collection of essays from six authors (Yolanda Castaño, Estíbaliz Espinosa, Celso Fernández Sanmartín, Carlos Negro, Dores Tembrás and Antía Otero) about experiences and ways of taking poetry to the schools. With a foreword by Agustín Fernández Paz, all of them explain their own impressions about the poetic essence from diverse fields, and also outline some ideas to explore with students. Some of the objectives of Poesía Hexágono are knocking down all the prejudices about poetry, exploring its connections with other genres (film, graffiti, science…), creating new ways of approaching word which might seem attractive to the students, transmitting experience and teaching tools. The book is addressed both to the academic community and every people interested in working with words.
In her text, Antía takes an interesting journey through the origins and referents of videopoetry. She scans the current situation of te genre and points out diverse ways of approaching the creation of a videopoem, even without a camera, just taking time in the creative process. Some anecdotes from her job as a teacher show how good the response to poetry from students is, once they discover it as something alive, creative, inside themselves.