Today we explore the use of animation techniques in videopoetry with Valencian artist Josep Porcar.
Josep Porcar (Castellón) is a poet, director of Veta Visual communication agency and editor of ‘Universitat de Barcelona’s Blog de Lletres. He collaborates with ‘Universitat Oberta de Catalunya’ as a teacher and new digital formats of literary communication developer. His first book Els Estius (2008) was the first Catalan poetry book designed and published to be read online, which allowed sound and image reproduction while reading. Also editor of the first Catalan hiperblog (Veus miráis), where he publishes his first video productions, named ‘videolits’.
In Lluna o ala, nature is the great protagonist. It’s all about a chant to an owl, an exhortation to be sensitive to its roots with the elements of nature to find answers and solutions. In the videopoem, as the personification of the owl (or maybe the other way round), a kid faces a volcano with the help of nature’s magic power, which might be a reference to overcoming fears and problems. The delicate touch of illustrations and music contributes to strenghten the intimistic and reflexive effect of the piece.