VERSOGRAMAS won the first edition of the program Herramientas para Camaleones (‘Tools for Chameleons’).
Organized by Trànsit Projectes, ImpactHub Madrid and the Museum of Contemporary Art Gas Natural Fenosa A Coruña, Herramientas para Camaleones is a platform dedicated to foster creation of sustainable bussiness models in culture, applying the famous Bussines Model Canvas. During 9 weeks, we were provided dozens of tools to develop cultural projects: gamification strategies, branding, digital strategies, transmedia storytelling, definition of values and alliances…
A pitching forum centered the Closing ceremony of Herramientas para Camaleones. We could check the evolution of the selected finalists after the whole work process. After having overcome some selection stages and a final pitching, VERSOGRAMAS was proclaimed the winner of this first edition in A Coruña!
We want to thank the organizers for all support given through the program, thanks to our Chameleon mates for all the learning, discoveries and bonds we tied during the process, and thanks to the public who assisted the ceremony for their warm reception to each project. Thank you all.
Now we have two months of residency ahead to work hard in the takeoff of VERSOGRAMAS!
Copyright of images belongs to Luis Cousillas, from Crearte Servizos Culturais