The title of this weeks’ videopoem seems to pay tribute to the resonant alliteration Uxío Novoneyra created in his famous verse “os ollos no lombo do lobo” (the eyes on the back of the...
We were deeply moved by seeing ourselves between the words of Poesía Hexágono, Apiario‘s new book. Antía Otero mentions us in her essay “Adrift in videopoetry, an approach for the clasroom”. Thanks a lot! Poesía Hexágono. Ollada e...
This week we are introducing “Asco” (disgust), from Miriam Reyes. This poem belongs to her book “Bella durmiente”, published in 2004 by Hiperión Ediciones. This is a heartrending videopoem. Its delicate sensorial atmosphere certainly...
We open a new section: “videopoem of the week”!. Here we will publish and comment a videopoem each week. We pick for you the best works of the videopoets who are part of Versogramas,...
PalabrapelículA, VERSOGRAMAS’ promotional videopoem shot within the Artist-in-Residence given by MAC (A Coruña), will be screened this weekend at Festival dos Eidos (O Courel), organized by Fundación Uxío Novoneyra. Festival dos Eidos is part of the european project LitFest, an initiative...
We are back at Docs Barcelona. VERSOGRAMAS was selected to participate in the present’s edition Development Workshop. Taught by Joan González, director of the festival, the workshop gathered representatives of twelve projects coming from different countries (Colombia, Chile, Uruguai, Brasil, Spain, Sweden) and...
Tomorrow will be the opening of Excusa Argumental, a retrospective of two years of the Artist-in-Residence program promoted by the MAC- Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Gas Natural Fenosa. The exhibition will display pieces created...
The Artist-in-Residence program promoted by MAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Unión Fenosa A Coruña) has finished, and “VERSOGRAMAS. The exhibition” is closer to take definite shape. In this video, created by Esferobite, you can...