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PalabrapelículA, VERSOGRAMAS’ promotional videopoem shot within the Artist-in-Residence given by MAC (A Coruña), will be screened this weekend at Festival dos Eidos (O Courel),...
We are back at Docs Barcelona. VERSOGRAMAS was selected to participate in the present’s edition Development Workshop. Taught by Joan González, director of...
Tomorrow will be the opening of  Excusa Argumental, a retrospective of two years of the Artist-in-Residence program promoted by...
The Artist-in-Residence program promoted by MAC (Museo de Arte Contemporáneo Unión Fenosa A Coruña) has finished, and “VERSOGRAMAS. The...
Today we remember our trip to Barcelona, as part of the research process of Versogramas. We interviewed Rosa Sánchez...
VERSOGRAMAS won the first edition of the program Herramientas para Camaleones (‘Tools for Chameleons’). Organized by Trànsit Projectes, ImpactHub...
This week we travelled to Barcelona to complete the research and development process of VERSOGRAMAS. We got to interview...