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The team behind VERSOGRAMAS

Belén Montero (director) and Juan Lesta (co-director)

versogramas team

Belén Montero (1970) and Juan Lesta (1971) are directors with a wide experience in experimental proyects oriented towards culture and institutional video. They founded Esferobite in 1999. At the same time, they do VJ sessions and produce musical and cultural projects using the artistic name DSK. Their works have been awarded at several festivais, (such as MTV Awards, Escales Documentaires La Rochelle, Cineuropa) and exhibited at museums like Pompidou (Metz), CGAC (Santiago de  Compostela) or Hangar (Barcelona).  They specialize in  videoclip, live cinema, experimental documentary, web development and educational projects related to video.

Versogramas (2017, feature documentary 75’)
Artistiña (2017, medium-length documentary 60’)
Contra os elementos (2016, medium-length documentary in five parts 50’)
An early trial (2015, short experimental documentary / videopoetry 20’). Selected at: S8 6ª Mostra de Cinema Periférico
Square religion (2014, short experimental / videoart 2’56’’)
Península XY (2011, experimental webdoc). Selected at: Escales Documentaires La Rochelle, Centro Galego de Arte Contemporáneo  //  //  @Esferobite   //   Esferobite en vimeo

Celia Parra (executive producer)

versogramas team

Celia Parra (Ourense, 1990) is a film producer and an award-winning poet. She has worked for the major Galician production companies and developed her own artistic projects. As a poet, Celia has published an individual poem collection (“No berce das mareas”, Avelina Valladares Prize) and her poems appear in diverse anthologies, such as “No seu despregar” (Ed. Apiario) and “13. Antoloxía da poesía galega próxima” (Ed. Chan da Pólvora-Papeles Mínimos), among others. She specializes in videopoetry, as an artist, teacher and researcher.  // Linkedin  //  @celiaparradiaz  // Celia en vimeo