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Versogramas starts filming

We want to share with you some news: our last press appearances and the start of the filming of Versogramas!

– Galician newspaper Praza Pública interviewed Belén Montero and Celia Parra about Versogramas and our crowdfunding campaign.

ZigZag Diario, a cultural program from Galician Television public broadcaster, also interviewed Juan Lesta about the project.

filming versogramas tvg praza

Don’t miss the content of the interviews, there are lots of information and curiosities about Versogramas! Keep posted about our last press releases at facebook and twitter.

Last but not least… WE START FILMING!!!

Tomorrow Saturday 13th we will film the first interviews of the documentary: Marc Neys (Swoon), Kònic Thtr (Rosa Sánchez and Alain Baumann), Hernán Talavera and Eugeni Bonet. Shooting will be at Cidade da Cultura de Galicia (Santiago de Compostela).

Next Monday 15th we will interview Miriam Reyes, Dionisio Cañas and Eduardo Yagüe also at Cidade da Cultura.

We can’t wait!!

Precisely now your help is fundamental. Please become a patron at, share this link with all your friends and share the info so we can reach more people. Only 16 days left to end our crowdfunding campaign!